Dear Cane Corso Enthusiast,
Thank you for giving the Society for the American cane Corso Italiano a look!
The society was originally founded to preserve the rich heritage of the Cane Corso in America. Over the last year and a half the SACCI went through a profound transformation guided by our mission, to make it a home for all who love this wonderful breed.
We invite you to join the SACCI and take an active part in crafting our club in a new direction of “Home for those who love the breed “. We took our first pioneering step toward this by opening our meetings to membership to listen in live to its board meetings so they can monitor the process. You can rest assure that we will not stop there and will continue moving forward with a club that is centered around its members and welcome their active involvement.This is an important step toward openness and inclusion.
Our way is guided by three elements:
Fellowship - we want you, Corso owners, to find a home with us, and become a part of something of value. Together we will build a club that facilitates, supports and acknowledges owner-Corsos activities. Our partnership with UKC ensures that owners alone will be able to show their Corsos. This shifts the focus on the quality of the dog instead of the popularity of the handler. While we will continue to sponsor the traditional conformation shows and performance trials, we will enhance these with fun events that any fancier can participate in and learn from. We want to celebrate the special bond between Corsos and owners by initiating fun days in most of our regions where there will be opportunities for fanciers to meet, network and just have fun. Our facebook pages will be safe zones where members and non members alike can ask questions and get educated answers. We want to celebrate the dogs and owners, our website will have pictures and articles from pet to show.
Mentorship - will always be a focus of every event and our electronic media sites. But, we are motivated primarily by your needs and questions. We will continue to bring world-class judges to our events who will often give lecture and seminars. The newly started interviews series on our website will continue, giving fanciers information and enjoyment. Our mentorship oriented facebook page will have folks in the club with specific talents willing to answer your questions in a safe and judgment free zone. In the works is a call in based lecture series available to members.
Stewardship - is the last element but not any less important than the others. The SACCI has already brought OFA CHIC testing to the breed. The SACCI voted unanimously for this . Our next step will be putting together a SACCI certified breeder program that will focus on and promote the health, standard and ethics of our breed. . We are determined to lead the way assuring the welfare of our Cane Corsos in the future.
As you will note I do not find one any more important than the other. If any of these elements fail we will all fail. We hope that you will join us, as we shape together the future of our beloved breed while respecting its historical heritage. We want you to be an active member; volunteering and taking part in shaping our way.
We want you to become the foundation of the "Home for those who love the breed".
Anthony T. Simonski
President, S.A.C.C.I.
“Home for those who love the breed “