Premier &Â Cane Corso Specialty
Premier & Cane Corso Specialty Kalamazoo, MI Entries are now open for Premier & Cane Corso Specialty Premier is PRE-ENTRY Only, no...

Sun Dog Competitions
As many of you may know, SACCI teamed up with Sun Dog Events early last year. It has been a great relationship since! Sun Dog has opened...
Dog of the Year Award
Dear SACCI membership It has come to me, to notify you, of an issue with The Dog of the Year Award. In January of this year, the UKC and...

Sponsor Vegas
We are looking for a few good sponsors for Vegas! To sponsor go to our SHOP now!

SACCI Becomes UKC Parent Club
The SACCI has been the Cane Corso club of the UKC since it’s entry in 2007. As of last year the UKC had under twenty parent clubs. The...

Cane Corso Italiano Seminar
Massimo Inzoli will be attending our show in Las Vegas, NV this year and will be conducting a breed seminar on Saturday May 7, 2016. This...
Congratulations to the top ten UKC Cane Corsos!
SACCI congratulates the owners of the top ten UKC Cane Corsos (final): 01. URO1 CA GRCH Massimo Di Pharaoh James A Brasier 105 02. GRCH...
SACCI UKC Show Las Vegas, NV
Mark you calendar for May 7-8, 2016 for SACCI's UKC All Breed Show!: The following will be offered at this event: JS GUARD SCENT SIGHT...
New SACCI website is on the air!
We hope that you will enjoy our new website. Please contact us with any question or comment. Wishing our owners - Happy 2016! #SACCIwebsite