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SACCI conformation event -  official rules and regulations







CLASSES are divided by sex are as follows:

A. Licensed Conformation Classes

Puppy 6 to under 1 year 

Junior 1 year to under 2 years

Intermediate (Senior) 2 yrs and under 3 yrs

Adult 3 years and up

Breeder/Handler 6 months and up, handled by breeder or member of breeder's family


Grand Champion


B. Altered Classes **If offered

Classes for Altered Dogs

Altered Puppy 6 to under 1 year 

Altered Junior 1 year to under 2 years

Altered Intermediate (Senior) 2 yrs and under 3 yrs

Altered Adult 3 years and up

Altered Breeder/Handler 6 months and up, handled by breeder or member of breeder's family

Altered Champion

Altered Grand Champion


C. Junior Showmanship Classes

Pee Wee over 2 years, under 4 years

Sub-Junior 4 years to under 6 years

pre-Junior 6 years to under 8 years

Novice Junior

Open Junior 8 years under 13 years

Novice Senior

Open Senior 13 years and up to and including 18 years


D. Non-Licensed Conformation Classes

Novice Puppy 3 to under 6 months


E. Veteran **if offered

7 years of age and older



The NOVICE PUPPY class shall be for dogs that are at least three months of age, but under six months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.



The PUPPY class shall be for dogs that are at least six months of age, but under twelve months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.



The JUNIOR class shall be for dogs that are at least twelve months of age, but under twenty-four months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.



The INTERMEDIATE/SENIOR class shall be for dogs that are at least twenty-four months of age, but less than 3 years on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show



The ADULT class shall be for dogs that are 3 years of age and over that are not champions. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.



The BREEDER/HANDLER class shall be for dogs that are six months and older, handled by breeder or member of breeder's family.







Event Chairperson Responsibilities. See UKC Event Manual for additional information on event management. The Event Chairperson is responsible for planning and conducting the event in accordance with UKC rules. The duties of the Event Chairperson include, but are not limited to:


1. UKC paperwork. The Event Chairperson is responsible for completing and submitting the "Event Application for a Scheduled Weekend" on time and with the required fees.

2. Show Committee. The Event Chairperson may appoint additional committee members to assist with such duties as he/she may delegate.

3. Ring Stewards. The Event Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that experienced ring stewards are assigned to assist each Judge.

4. Event site/Equipment. The Event Chairperson is responsible for procuring a suitable show site. This includes but is not limited to: a. The responsibility for executing all contracts and acquiring all permits that may be required by local jurisdictions. b. For ensuring that the grounds and event equipment meet the requirements outlined in the UKC Rules and Regulations for the type of event being offered. The judge is to report any substandard equipment directly to UKC.

5. Judges. The Event Chairperson is responsible for hiring and sending written contract agreements to Judges who are properly licensed by UKC for the event and breeds they will be judging. Judges must be hired sufficiently in advance of the event so that their names and assignments can be included on the "Event Application for a Scheduled Weekend". The Event Chairperson must keep the signed Judges' contracts on file for at least one year after the event.

6. Show veterinarian. A veterinarian must be in attendance or on call for each UKC event. Where local laws require that a veterinarian be in attendance, the Event Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the club is in compliance.

7. Show photographer. Clubs are encouraged to provide a photographer to take show photos at events.

8. Motels. The Event Chairperson is responsible for appointing a member of the host club to serve as a representative to the local motel managers and for notifying local motel managers how to contact this representative with complaints about exhibitors


Event Secretary

Event Secretary Responsibilities. See UKC Event Manual for additional information on event management.

The Event Secretary is responsible for:


1. Ordering forms. Upon receipt of the Event Report Order Form from the Club Secretary, the Event Secretary must order from UKC the type and number of forms required to report results from the scheduled event(s).

2. Event license. Approximately six weeks prior to an event, UKC will mail the Event License to the Event Secretary, who is responsible for bringing the license to the event. Any exhibitor at the event who wishes to see the license must be allowed to do so.

3. Rulebook and Breed Standards. The Event Secretary is responsible for bringing a copy of the current Official UKC Conformation Rules and Regulations and current UKC breed standards to the event.

4. Catalogs. If the club elects to offer a catalog of exhibitors, the Event Secretary is responsible for preparing the catalog.

5. Entry taking. The Event Secretary is responsible for accepting only completed and signed entry forms. The Event Secretary 81 Conformation Rules 80 Conformation Rules assigns an armband number to each entry, which shall be written on the entry form and in the Judge's book. When applicable, the Event Secretary also enters the height and weight of the dog on the entry form. 6. Armbands. The Event Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the club has an adequate supply of numbered armbands for exhibitors to wear while participating in conformation shows.

*7. Preparing Judge’s Books, Score Sheets and Weigh-In Sheet. The Event Secretary is responsible for overseeing the preparation and the completion of the Judge’s Books for each event. a. Judge’s Books and Judge’s (Trial Results) books. The Event Secretary is responsible for preparing Judges’ books by writing the armband number and registration number of each dog in the class as indicated on the exhibitor’s entry form. b. The Event Secretary is also responsible to oversee the preparation of additional paperwork that may be required for the event such as non-licensed paperwork, score sheets, course sheets. c. Immediately following judging, each Judge will return his/her signed Judge’s books to the Event Secretary. The Event Secretary must give each Judge one copy of his/her Judge’s book prior to leaving the event grounds on the day of their last assignment; The club retains one copy in the club’s records for one year, and forwards the original (top copy) to UKC with the event report.

*8. Weight rules for Toy Fox Terriers. All Toy Fox Terriers must be weighed once per weekend per hosting club, before being exhibited. Once a dog has been weighed in, it is considered weighed in for those shows hosted on consecutive days by that club on that weekend and it cannot be required to be weighed again. Clubs hosting Toy Fox Terriers must provide a scale on the day of the show to weigh Toy Fox Terrier entrants. Dogs may be weighed by the Judge, Event Committee members, or officers of the host club. No person who is exhibiting a Toy Fox Terrier in a show may weigh a competitor’s dog prior to that show. Dogs entered on the day of the show may be weighed at the time of entry. Dogs entered prior to the day of the show must be weighed prior to check-in at the entry table. Individual dog weights must be noted on the entry form by the Event Secretary. Toy Fox Terriers that are six months of age or older weighing less than three-and-one-half pounds or dogs of any age over seven pounds must not be shown in a conformation event or shown in another conformation event unless they have officially weighed within the specifications.

9. Submitting event results. The Event Secretary is responsible for submitting all event results to UKC within 10 business days of the event using the forms provided by UKC for each event. (The club will be granted one additional business day for National Holidays where the United States Postal System is closed for business as long as the event report has been received by the USPS or is in transit to the UKC on the National Holiday.) Clubs shall be fined $20 per month per licensed event for late event reports. Refer to the appendix section of the manual for valuable instructions on how to organize your event paperwork for submission to UKC.

*10. Submitting entry forms. The Event Secretary is responsible for making a copy of each entry form prior to sending the original entry forms for each dog that is entered in the event to UKC with the event results. a. All Official UKC Class Change/Entry Correction Forms that have been submitted must be attached to the original entry form and submitted with the event report(s). b. The Event Secretary must keep the copies of all entry forms for one year after an event.

11. Recording fees. a. Submission of Recording Fee. The Event Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the correct recording fees are paid when the event results are submitted to UKC. b. Recording Fee Amount. The recording fee of $1.50 per entry must accompany the Official Report, except for the classes of Groups, Best In Show, Best In Multi-Breed Show, Special Exhibition and Total Dog


CHAPTER 3 - Rules Applying to Entries and Entry Procedures



All entries must be able to present a valid UKC registration number. Any dog suspended by the UKC is not eligible for participation at any SACCI events.



Entries to all events for both licensed and non-licensed classes must be submitted using the most current official UKC entry form. Entry forms must be complete when submitted to the Event Secretary/Manager, including a valid UKC Permanent Registration number, UKC Performance Listing(PL)/Limited Privilege (LP) number or UKC Temporary Listing (TL) number. Incomplete or unsigned entry forms, or entries unaccompanied by entry fees, are invalid and must be refused by the Event Secretary/Manager.




SACCI will accept pre-entries but will establish a pre-entry deadline after which no further pre-entries will be accepted. SACCI may offer a discounted entry fee for pre-entries. All entries are non refundable.



Day of entries

SACCI will accept day-of-show/trial entries but will set a specific time period during which the Event Secretary/Manager will take entries to the event. This information will be published with the premium list/club announcement of the event and in any other event information on the UKC website. All entries are non refundable.



Entry into Non-Licensed classes. Entries for non-licensed classes may be taken at any time up to the start of judging for these classes. Section 6. Conditional Entries. An entry which specifies any condition as to its acceptance must not be made and must not be accepted by a club/Event Secretary/Manager.



Required Information for UKC Entry Forms. Exhibitors are responsible for the information contained on their entry form(s) and for ensuring they are competing in the appropriate class(es) for which the dog is eligible. Dogs competing in classes for which they are not eligible shall be invalid. To be acceptable, an entry must be submitted on the UKC official entry form along with the designated entry fee. All entry forms must contain the following information upon submission: • Name of the event giving club • Date of event(s) • UKC registered name of the dog • UKC Identification number (Permanent Registration number, Temporary Listing (TL) number or Performance Listing (PL)/Limited Privilege (LP) number) • Dog’s Date of Birth • Sex of the dog • Breed • Variety (if applicable) • Jump Height/Size division (if applicable) • Name of the class(es) being entered • Name of Owner(s)/Co-owner(s) • Address and contact information of Owner(s) • Signature of Owner/Handler.




Corrections or Changes to Entry Forms. Move-Up/Entry Correction forms will be provided by the club. An Exhibitor or owner must complete the form before exhibition in a class other than indicated on the original entry form. The MoveUp/Entry Correction Form must be attached to the original entry form. An exhibitor or owner may make corrections on an entry form any time prior to the judging of the class in which the dog is entered. An exhibitor or owner may change the dog’s name or the dog’s registration number on an individual entry, but he/she may not change both on the same entry.



Entry Numbers and Armbands. Each dog shall be assigned an entry number and SACCI will provide armbands displaying the entry number to the person exhibiting the dog. Each exhibitor must wear the armband (normally on the left arm) with the number visible to the judge when in the ring, except where prohibited by the rules of an exercise..



Judging and Exhibiting. Conformation Judges. No Judge may pass judgment on a dog of which they are listed as owner, co-owner, breeder or co breeder in any conformation class. Conformation judges may not exhibit any dog in conformation classes on any day preceding their conformation judging assignment or the day of their conformation judging assignment at the event in which they have been hired. No dog that is owned or co-owned by a judge can be exhibited in conformation by anyone else on any day preceding the judge’s assignment or the day of the judge’s assignment at an event in which they have been hired. Conformation judges may exhibit a dog or have a dog that they own or co-own exhibited in conformation classes any day after their judging assignment at an event in which they were hired or in a scheduled weekend. Conformation judges may exhibit a dog or have a dog they own or co-own exhibited in any performance event preceding the day of their conformation judging assignment, the day of their conformation judging assignment or the day after their conformation judging assignment at any event in which they have been hired or in a scheduled weekend.



Judges Immediate Family/Household. No dog can be entered under a judge that has been owned or trained by the judge, the judge’s immediate family or that has lived in the Judge’s household or the household of a member of the judge’s immediate family, regardless of ownership, within three months of the date of the event. The immediate family members of a judge and members of a judge’s household may exhibit any dog not owned or co-owned by the judge in any event, on any day of a scheduled weekend in which the judge has been hired; provided that they do not enter or exhibit the dog in the same event-type that the judge is officiating on the same day, with the exception of using the back-up judging system in the performance events. Immediate family/household members may enter any event without restriction on any other day the judge is not scheduled to judge. Additional restrictions may apply to immediate family and household members per specific event type which can be found in the corresponding rulebook for the specific event.




The current UKC/ENCI/FCI breed standard for the Cane Corso Italiano shall be used for all conformation




I (we) acknowledge that the Rules and Regulations ofThe Society in America for Cane Corso Italiano (SACCI) have been made available to me (us), and that I am (we are) familiar with their contents. I (we)

agree that SACCI have the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem to be sufficient.

In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of the show and the opportunity to have

the dog judged and to win ribbons, I (we) agree to hold this club, its members/exhibitors, directors, officers,

agents, show secretary and the owner or leasers of the premises and any employees of the aforementioned

parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or

indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the show premises or grounds or

near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim;

and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of this dog by

disappearance, theft, death, or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to the dog, whether such

loss, disappearance, theft damage or injury, be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of SACCI

or any of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person, or any other cause or causes.

I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties

harmless from any and all loss and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law

upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death any time

resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves) or on account of

damage to property, arising out of in consequence of my (our) participation in this show, however such

injuries, death or damage to property may be caused and whether or not the same may have been caused or

may be alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees

or agents, or any other persons.

Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence

of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. Judges may not judge dogs

owned or co-owned by them. There will be a grooming & crating area available to exhibitors. Please crate all dogs when not in the show rings. All exhibitors are asked to have their dogs under their complete control at all times. The use of prong collars in the show ring is prohibited. The use of flexi-leads is accepted on the show grounds but you are responsible for your dog. No tie out stakes or dogs tied to bumpers or anything else will be allowed on show grounds.

Entry fees will not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused , or barred from

competition by action of the Show Chairman or Judge. SACCI reserves the right to refuse entries. Poor

sportsmanship will not be tolerated at shows. If upon pre-entering and you are not able to attend the show

monies will not be refunded to you. If because of riots, civil disturbances or other acts beyond control of

the management it is impossible to open or to complete the show, no entry fees will be refunded. Post-dated

checks or returned checks do not constitute a valid entry fee.



If you need assistance, please feel free to call on a show official or ring steward.

No asking the judges about their decisions or placements until after the show has been completed.


A complete edition of the UKC Conformation Rulebook can be located here

© 2024 by The Society in America For Cane Corso Italiano


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